

Wall Traveling Jib Crane

Wall traveling jib crane refers to a jib crane mounted on the wall and travels along the 2 rails fixed on only one side of the wall or steel structure. The hoist mechanism is the same or similar to that of floor mounted jib crane. The biggest advantage of wall raveling jib crane is that it needs no floor space and girder or beams like bridge crane, thus saving workshop space.

Wall traveling jib crane

Application of Wall Traveling Jib Crane:
1. Widely used in workshop, storage, warehouse, yard, fabrication shops, machine shops, assembly floors, loading/unloading area, indoor/outdoor operation and some other fixed place.
2. Wall traveling jib crane is especially used for lifting in short-distance or serried place.
3. Do not use it in inflammable, explosive corrosive conditions.
Email: weihua@craneweihua.com

